Private detective, private detective, investigation company, marital investigations, business investigations, debt collection companies, debt collection companies, debt clearing companies, counterfeiting rights, private security companies, extra-marital affairs investigation and evidence collection, investigation mistresses.

Service Charge

At present, p.i. folk investigations, in business on charges, the state has no unified charging standards. Cause charge has its chaotic side, some bad organization, there is even low-cost entice customers be duped later, and constantly levy, collect fees more halfway with, let the customer dilemma. Low charge, the survey cost is insufficient, cannot complete customer task, how about the high quality service! The price is too high and existing profiteering disrelish. According to this phenomenon, my investigation company according to years of combined experience investigation foreseeable survey cost and actual circumstances, presently list charge standard gold-digging accredited, let the customer plainly "consumption"

Investigation project Charge Time Provide info Feedback Info
Marriage Trace 9000Yuan (Car)
5000Yuan(No Car)
7 days
(10 Hour/day)
Car Number、Picture、Others Investigation report
Marriage Loyalty 8000(No Car)
10~30 day Car Number、Picture、Others Investigation report
Marriage Proves 15000 yuan 10~30 day Details Investigation report
Find people General 3000 yuan 10~30 day number, picture Location, resident
Speical 10000 yuan 10~45 day number resident
QQ Find people 5000 yuan 7-30 day QQ number resident
anti fake 30000 yuan 10~90 day info location
background 5000 yuan 4~10 day company name Investigation report
Bank info talk 2~7 day name, id details
Market research 10000 yuan 7~30 day info Investigation report
business investigation 10000 yuan 5~30 day requirement Investigation report
debt collection 25~50%of debt 10~150 day files debts
Law service talk talk talk all services
property 3000 yuan 10~15 day name, id Investigation report
personal info 1000 yuan 2~5 day name birthday, id, etc
airline info 2000 yuan 1~3 day name, id details
in/out china 2000 yuan 1~3 day name, id details
car address inside Guangzhou 800yuan 1~3 day car number car details
China 1200yuan 1~5 day

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