Private detective, private detective, investigation company, marital investigations, business investigations, debt collection companies, debt collection companies, debt clearing companies, counterfeiting rights, private security companies, extra-marital affairs investigation and evidence collection, investigation mistresses.

Company Profile

China Games Security Information Service Co., Ltd. is a strong, procedures, advanced equipment, high efficiency, a research firm in the domestic and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the formation of a large research network. We have a group of experienced professional investigators who, well-known economic expert, Dr. Law as a consultant, there are pragmatic team of lawyers, for you to solve all kinds of difficult investigation and evidence gathering, to provide efficient professional legal services.

China Saian private detective company business: business surveys, market research, business match-fixing rights, intellectual property investigations, competitors investigation, fraud investigations, civil investigations, property surveys, as background checks, marital investigation, pre-marital investigations, extra-marital affairs investigation evidence, extramarital affairs investigation and evidence collection, investigation mistresses, third party investigation, missing person search site, looking for people to find things, tracing to find deception, investigated the whereabouts of their children act in school surveys, business information survey, vehicle registration household survey, employees loyalty investigations, debt debts, debt settlement (debt clearing companies, debt collection companies, debt collection company), the star of private bodyguards, security, agent claims litigation and legal aid.

Integrity is our foothold in this, confidentiality is our principle of service, practical, professional and efficient, powerful evidence of our commitment to work

Detective Game On the evidence provided, including: audio, video, photos, registration information and other relevant departments.


  • Shenzhen, China Saian survey research company and you sign a confidentiality agreement to protect the legitimate interests of clients for the purpose. Never disclose any other person exposed to the detective investigation and evidence collection company information, to protect your legal rights.
  • Shenzhen, China private detective company match An elite team composed of professional, scientific and comprehensive means of detectives, investigation and evidence collection fast and a real and effective information search at any time for each customer difficult to resolve private detective investigation and evidence collection.
  • Shenzhen, China Saian private detective company with advanced high-tech equipment, and large private detective to investigate the network to provide you with a powerful audio and video enabling video and other evidence to successfully complete a variety of investigation and evidence gathering.

Important customers


The company image

  1. 深圳私家偵探,深圳私人偵探,深圳婚姻調查,深圳調查公司,深圳商務調查
    The company leadership in October 2008 China business consulting company for cooperation experience exchange seminar
  2. 珠海私家偵探,珠海私人偵探,珠海婚姻調查,珠海調查公司,珠海商務調查
    The company leadership December 2006 China survey companies folk survey industry union congress second meeting photo
  3. 中山私家偵探,中山私人偵探,中山婚姻調查,中山調查公司,中山商務調查

    The company leadership in December 2004 China survey companies folk survey industry union conference
  4. 廣州私家偵探,廣州私人偵探,廣州婚姻調查,廣州調查公司,廣州商務調查
    The company leadership in December 2007 China credit reporting and trade receivables management, service group discussion summit as a souvenir
  5. 東莞私家偵探,東莞私人偵探,東莞婚姻調查,東莞調查公司,東莞商務調查
    Our company leadership and well-known CCTV host wang xiaoya photo
  6. 江門私家偵探,江門私人偵探,江門婚姻調查,江門調查公司,江門商務調查
    China Saian investigation company for customer release market business results

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